Wishing you all a very very ..Happy New Year 2023..!!
This is going to be my 1st blog post in 2023 and why not after having such a fantastic energy-filled New years eve this becomes a mandatory post. After 2 years of a break due to covid, it had to be a great one.
New Year’s Eve in Amsterdam
If you are planning for a splendid New years eve The Netherlands is definitely a great option. It was my 1st time in Amsterdam for new year’s eve and it was totally worth it. Another add-on to the list of solo trips. The weather was not as cold as I was expecting it to be, it started to rain in the middle of the open concert and people were enjoying dancing in the rain. This city has its own vibes on 31 December. Every single street sparkled with golden yellow lights and obviously, the architecture of the city with all the decorations looked great.
Walk around the city will be memorable if you are coming to Amsterdam for 1st time.
New Year’s Eve party Museumplein
There was a huge celebration and party at Museumplein. The energy of the festival was almost everywhere. The Ice Skating rink is also in the same place so you can enjoy skating before the New year countdown begins. The event was planned by Amsterdam municipality that included DJ, Music, electric fireworks, and traditional eco-fireworks. The combination of everything together was dazzling.
In case you planning for 2023/2024 you can check the status of the event on this website https://electricfireworks.nl/
I have tried to sum up my experience at Museumplein in a short video below check this out to witness the spirit of the crowd.
Place to stay
If you are planning to travel to Amsterdam from outstation you must book a hotel/hostel well in advance. Everything will be sold out soon. And last moment things are very expensive. I stayed in one of the hostels @theflyingpig. If you are traveling solo and just need a bed to crash for a couple of hours this can be for you. Also, this place will have a cool new year party which you can join to make new friends. But do remember to book in advance and save some money.
Other New Year events in Amsterdam
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There are plenty of other places to enjoy New Year’s Eve with your friends and family. I could only witness the vibes at Museumplein But to be honest, there were even more fantastic fireworks and a drone show was planned at A’dm Square. Fireworks on a 100-meter tall building and designs made up of 600 drones. It was breathtaking.
There are multiple nightclubs in Amsterdam where you can party until 06:00 AM the morning. But make sure to book your tickets in advance. I am sure you will go back with memories if you visit Amsterdam for the new year. Amsterdam light festival, Christmas, and New Year parties reflect the vibrant culture of the city.
Feel free to share this blog with your friends and family. And please please .. please…do share your New Year’s Eve experience and traditions in the comments sections below I would love to read that.
Hey I am so jealous that you having so much fun great Blog and love the way you tell every thing ..Keep travelling girl more power to you
Thanks 😊 dost
Nicely mentioned. 👏
Thanks 😊